April 18 Coron Philippines

April 18th Advanced Certified/Big Red Snapper

The first dive of the day we found a big open sandy area at the floor bottom. Rebecca and I had to do bouncy training and navigation. Rebecca and I had to take turns walking on the floor bottom dragging each other and using the compass. That is pretty much all we got to do on that dive for some reason I was getting low on air faster than usual. 

The second dive of the day was a fun dive on Taiei Maru Ship Wreak. This time we actually got to explore a lot inside of the wreak. It was so cool to see the inside…… At one part oil deposits where in an air pocket. I grabbed one and felt it between my fingers, it felt soft and silky. Father in the boat I saw lobsters and a crab. Can I take them to the surface and eat them is all I could think in my head. In one of the rooms there were a pair of shoes and pots and pans, it was a little unreal to experience the history all underwater. In one of the rooms their was a huge fish that looked shorta cool I thought. I signed cool to Ken! He signed dangerous and I noticed it big sharp teeth. He motioned me to get behind him and to head to the exit door. Ken had his feet out in front of him as the big red snapper gave a couple treating forward shots baring his teeth. Albin and Johan’s group was entering the same room as we were trying to excite. Their dive-master made me go in in between him and the red snapper. It made me laugh. Out side the ship there were three huge groupers. They look like grumpy big old fish. Ken went through a couple spots easily while I struggled to fit through being bigger than he is. I had to wiggle my shoulders and I. hit my tank a couple of times.  Albin and Johan were able to join us on top of the boat. It was nice finally all scuba-diving together. 


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Four of Us Scuba-Diving

Video Coming Soon!

I wasn’t too keen to go on the last dive, because I was starting to feel uncomfortable and not 100%. I was also taking more oxygen than normal for me. It was the Lusong Gunboat, again. I ended up going because I figured it wan’t like I could come here all the time in the future. Once we got back to the boat we all celebrated with a beer (It was like a Corona! How I missed that flavor!) as Rebecca and I were now Advanced Certified Scuba-Divers. 

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