August 19th Day Trip

April 19th The Day Trip Turned Into A Nightmare!

We bought a day trip to go to some of the places Coron is known for, like Kayangan Lake. The first destinations was Siete Pecados a well known place to snorkel/free-dive with corals and tropical fish. Rebecca stayed on the boat to relax. My tummy was bothering me, but I didn’t want to miss anything so I attempted to free-dive with the boys. I just couldn’t hold my breath so I snorkeled mostly with a lone barracuda swimming around me.   I ended up going to the boat feeling pretty tried. The boat then took us to Malwawey Coral Garden. There were lots of boats so we had to swim a decent way to get to the lagoon. I should have sat this one out as well, but I don’t away make the right decisions. I was in a panic feel the whole time as I didn’t feel great and there were a lot of jelly fish which I don’t like because they make me nervous and I feel like I would get stung and worse dye. Box Jelly fish are known to be around the Philippines, I’m just saying. 

Snorkling in a Lagoon
Photo of Johan
Rebecca being silly

I was happy to be back on the boat. I know I was probably annoying freaking out about the jelly fish. We finally got to Kayangan Lake the view I have been wanting to see in person. I was feeling a little bit better and hiked up to the lake. We were required to wear our life jacket in the lake the whole time. I guess two free-divers came intoxicated at night with weight and ended up drowning, so now for precaution they make everyone wear a life-jacket. I felt ridiculous wearing a life vest in the water. We made it fun and sat on our vest and took in the sun. We did cheat and circled around so Johan could do a quick dive without the people seeing. He is very talented free-diver. 

It was lunch time so the boat took us over to CYC Beach for a seafood lunch. I was really sad because everything looked so good and what I did eat which wasn’t much tasted amazing. Couldn’t I have felt better for this day trip I thought to myself. I was so cold I sat out in the sun with towels over me. I wish I could tell everyone how pretty it was but to be honest my attention to detail was nothing. Albin convinced me to get in the water and talked to me as I was not having the best day. Albin, Johan, and Rebecca are the most caring nice people I have meet and I do truly feel blessed I went to the Philippines and got to know them. 

Albin in the cave
Sketleton Wreck

Skeleton Wreck was next on the agenda. I was feeling even worse so I stayed on the boat. Johan got a cool picture of Albin with it though (To the left!). I slept a bit in the sun with towels draped over me, that is until the Philippino guys who were driving the boat made me come under the shade of the canopy on the boat. They said it was too hot and not good for me. I really didn’t want to listen I was cold! 

When we got to Twin Lagoon I knew I was sick. After everyone left to explore, I felt my fever and started to feel nauseous. I tried to sleep, but would only drift off for a second. Albin came back early because he ended up scrapping his back on some rocks. I couldn’t really concentrate on what he was staying to me. Than I had the urge to puke and before I knew it I was puking a lot! (Sorry if that is too much information!) Than my hand started tingling and cramped up were I could even move them. I even had trouble talking for a second. It terrified me! After my body came back to me I felt a little better. We were supposed to go to Barracuda Lake for the last destination, but Rebecca, Johan, and Albin made our boat driver take us back to the big island so I could go to the hospital. I felt so bad that I ruined the day. 

I actually need a little support walk at first my legs felt so weird. We went straight to the dive shop. We though there could be a possibility that I was had decompression sickness. Ken told us to go straight to the hospital. I wouldn’t call were we went to Coron District Hospital. It was like an abandon old school building with no running water, really dirty, and only a few lights that I could tell. There were a couple people, that I assume were nurses, ask me a couple question. They told us to wait in the hall way. I really just wanted to lay down my fever was so high tears were coming out of my eyes and I was not crying. I learned later if it was a degree higher I could have got brain damage. Scary! I also keep having to run to the bathroom which was awful because I was only in a swim suit and they didn’t have toilet paper or running water and the bathroom was super gross. This is one of the moment I was wishing I could just go home. I felt disgusting. 


If you go fallow my link to yelp. In the first picture of the nurses station taken from the door, my bed was the one under the yellow bullentin board… I will never forget sadly. 

When they finally let me lay on the bed straight in front of the nurses station in the hall-way we had to ask them to change the sheets, they were dirty and I am pretty sure there was blood. Yicks! A really young look male nurse came over to tell us we would have to take my blood. I swear he was 16 yrs old. For him to take my blood Rebecca had to go to a Pharmacy to get the iv stuff. The hospital didn’t have their own supplies.  When she got back the young nurse attempted to put it in my left hand. Now it is never what I consider fun, but he was sliding it in and out and was wiggling it. It hurt so bad. I finally told him to stop. He continued to try to find a vain in my right arm, but he was doing the same thing. I told him to stop but he ignored my I actually started hyperventilating and crying and Rebecca ended up yelling at him to stop. He finally ripped the needle out and yelled she needs a IV. The nurses at the station were laughing at me and the doctor came over and said” That 16yr old girl over there jut got an IV and didn’t throw a fit!”  If I could have talked at that moment I would have told him to F**K OFF! Excuse my language. 

After a little bit of time the doctor came back over to me and said that he was afraid of needle to but liked giving them and asked if I would let him try. I said, “Yes I am afraid of needles, but give it a go!”  I don’t know if he got that I was using all the sarcasm I had in me. He got it on the first try. Maybe they should have been giving that young nurse a hard time and trained him how to give a IV. Once the fluid started dripping in my veins I could feel my hands or move them. I was feeling panic again. The nurses said that it was normal. I was luckily that a dive-master from Fun & Sun that I got to know came up to me and asked if I remembered him. I did of course. He had me explain everything to him and he translated everything to the nurses and doctors. That is when the staff understood a little better and did something that made me feel my hands and arms again.  I don’t know what I would have don’t with out him coming in at the right moment. 

Warning! I may be giving too much info so I wont be upset if you don’t read the next part! 

They had me give them a poo sample! I was in and out of consciousness so Rebecca informed me later that I had a parasite that was effecting my nervous system and would cause vaginal itch and other uncomfortable effects. The doctor did ask me how long I wanted to stay at the hospital and told me he would like me to stay over night and they would give me meds or they could give me a pills and go home. I wanted to leave. I felt so gross and uncomfortable. I feel asleep and woke up again to girls screaming. There was a accident and one guys foot was severed open and the staff started working on him behind the front counter, where I could see. After what seemed like forever the doctor agreed to let me go. 

We walked to the pharmacy got the meds and gatorade and a bike taxi back to our resort. Rebecca and Johan was nice enough to give me their room on the first level that had A/C and a fan. I took a shower and felt a little better and laid down to sleep. Rebecca made sure I was drinking liquids and was so helpful. All of them were. I don’t know what I would have done without them, truly!    

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