Exploring Idaho

The Gem State

People moved to Idaho back in 1860s with the findings of gold. Idaho was the 43th state added in July 3, 1890. 

Known for Potatoes! 

Blue Bird

National Parks

There are 7 National Parks


Places to go with history and fun.


Will known for outdoor recreation.

My Home

I grew up in a small town in the state of Idaho. It is funny that I used to talk to people that live in other states they get us confused with Iowa, but Idaho is becoming a popular state well known and a place to be move to. I have mix feelings about this. I liked us being small. As of last year (2016-2017) Idaho was deemed the fastest growing state. I am proud to say that I am from Idaho. I love the outdoors and the beauty I see everyday. I love that my backyard allows me to hike, hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors. I am sad of some of the changes happening, but am trying to be optimistic that I will always be able to come to my home state and continue to enjoy everything that made me who I am today! 

National Parks

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