Sydney Skyline

NYE Sydney Australia

New Years Eve Sydney Australia

I was SO excited to travel to Sydney for NYE! I have heard how it is one of the most amazing firework shows. I did my research before to find a place I should go to watch the show. Everywhere I read said Macquarie Chair was the place to go. It is a park and you can get in for free if you get there in time before it is full. 

So I got there early to get in line. I was there around 7am and it was already packed. In line I started talking to some girls that were next to me. I asked if I could join them as I was by myself. We got in and picked a place to sit, well not really picked a place more like found a place that we could squeeze in. All day we sat on blankets, bought food, and talked. It was really hot and it was going to be a long day waiting, but I figured it would be worth the experience and for the show at the end. 

People waiting at Maque Chair

On the stairs at Macquarie Chair you can see the Opera House and Bridge… But there is a security guard that yells at you to get off if you stop to take a picture. I took one before he pulled me down. JERK! Seriouly it I don’t understand why they don’t want you to see the view!

What you need to know! If you are going….. Bring snacks, food, water, sunscreen, deck of cards or something to occupy your time, blanket and if you can find a place with shade lock it down.

Maque Bar NYE

It is a long day waiting!

So… the question I bet you are wondering. Was it as good as they say….. NO!!!! Not at Macquarie Chair. They cut the tree and put up black sheets along the bank seriously so you can’t see the show. I tried to watch it through the leaves unsuccessfully. I could tell it would have been a great show though if I could have seen. There is that! There are places you could have spend $$$ around the park to get a good look at the show, but it is way too expensive. I would have had a better look being in Dover Heights or the bay farther away than being where I waiting all day. I really don’t understand why they do it. People travel from all over to sit and wait in all these view spots and they restrict you from seeing anything. WHY! It is a so called free show that you can’t see unless you pay around Macquarie Chair anyway. 

I was very disappointed! 


LESSON:  I would have bout a spot on a boat for the show or finding a better place to see the fireworks. Don’t make my mistake. Macquarie Chair isn’t as good as they say. I promise or I would have pictures of the fireworks….

Now the girls invited me to go to a black and white boat party, they had bought tickets for. I bought mine online really fast and decide to join them. I had not wasted my whole day for nothing. 

Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House at Night
View of Opera House from Under the Harbor Bridge at Night
Sydney Opera House at Dark

It was a bit expensive, but hey I thought why not make a memory! The boat was late not arriving til 3:30am. Boy! I was getting tried, but I was being a trooper. When we finally got on the boat there was three decks to choice from. One was a dance party, one a bar with snacks, and the third was the top for views of the sea and harbor. I’m not going to lie I was happy about the free snacks as I was starving, but I was expecting a little more from the boat. It was fun! I danced a bit! I wasn’t under the influence so I was a bit shy as you had to pay cash for your drinks and I didn’t have any. All that being said the view from the boat of the city sky line was Amazing. The boat went until sunrise getting us back around 7:30 a.m.  I took a ton of pictures and was happy to be off the boat at the end. 

Luna Park at Sunset

Now what I didn’t tell you at the beginning was I was staying in Brooklyn, NSW because I didn’t book till last minute and it was a cheap option for around new years and the place I was moving into for the month wasn’t open until the 2nd. 

Brooklyn is about an hour train ride from the city! I feel asleep on the train almost the whole way. I did jerk myself awake lots of time worried I would miss my stop.  I was horrified of the place I was staying. There were big spiders everywhere with gaps under the doors and the house was dirty. I slept with one eye open on my towel scared of the bedding and animals that could kill me. I should have just stayed in the city and slept at a park or train station. I would have got better sleep. I did end up getting about a full hour of sleep, before I decided to go the pub down the road to waste the day a bit. It is amazing how little sleep you can actually work with when you are scared and alone.  Another Lesson: Pay more for comfort it is worth it!

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