2019 New Years Resolution


Resolution of 2019


The three most common New Year Resolutions I have heard:  

  1. Eat Healthier
  2. Exercise More
  3. Save More Money

If any of these are on your list. Great! These are three things that everyone should work on all the time. Yes, time sometime slips away and when I get busy I sometime have a hard time being the healthiest or even to working out regularly, but I try all year round. A couple thing that help me is Beachbody.com and/or LesMiles.com for exercise. You pay a year subscription and can get all different types of workouts on demand from your laptop or TV.  For eating healthier I meal prep every-week and I cut out pop and fast-food all together. 

Ok! Now before I get into my New Years Resolution I want to start with something I think is important about setting goals and ambitions. If you set a goal for yourself that you are going to drink more water for example, take that as a promise and take it seriously. That is the only way that I could make it really happen. Set a time line or put it in a planner as well as write it down on a piece of paper, all things that can help succeed a goal. 

My Friend and I on New Years 2019

~My Two Goals for 2019~

Ok…. For the Two Grand Reveal! Drum Roll!!!!! 

1. I am going to work on my Attitude and the way I think. I find I get worked up easily and my feelings hurt. I don’t think its healthy for me and I want to have more patience. 

To work on this goal I plan to listen and think more before I speak. My brain runs a million miles a minute and sometime my mouth works faster than my brain. Once I feel myself getting worked up I’m going to breath a couple breaths and really think about why it is making me upset. Ask myself questions like:  Is it really that big of a deal?  Does it effect or hurt me? 

2. I’m going to give myself a bigger security. I want to get myself a tiny house and pay off my car. That way if anything happens I still have a place to live and a vehicle. 

My plan is to first pay off my car. Once my car is paid off I will take the money I would have used to make my car payment and save it til I get enough to put a down payment on a tiny home loan. I also plan to make more money by doing more of my art projects to sell and taking odds and end jobs. The goal will be to buy a tiny home by the end of the summer or at least by the end of October. With this goal I know sometimes money may make this goal get postponed, but I will make this happen. 

Images: WOCinTechChat, Bike: 1, 2, 3

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