To Be A Good Person

I want to be remembered as a person everyone can relay on.  I’m ok if people say I was a little passionate, spoke my mind, got way too excited about little things, and maybe like to have a little too much fun sometimes, because anyone that knows me, knows that is the truth. 

I have learned a lot about myself in the past few years. 

What I say in my head to what comes out of my mouth is not always the same. I am afraid to show weakness or get embarrassed. I wish I could show more compassion. I laugh or smile at uncomfortable situations even if it isn’t supposed to be funny. I talk too much when I’m nervous or scared. Or I may not talk at all. I have a hard time opening up and being myself with the people I want to make friends with. Its because I’m worried they won’t like me, I think…. Which is silly! 

 I don’t feel in control of my life right now, and I find that makes me short tempered. and frustrated. I have worked hard my whole life and I don’t have a lot to show for it. I do, but I don’t! I know this is where I’m thinking about materialistic things. When I say materialistic I just mean I can’t afford a house right now and I don’t have the best vehicle.  I have a year full of travels that set me pretty far back emotionally and financially. When I was gone I lost my house and MY car. A story that I am still trying to get over,   I am so proud of myself for traveling and even though, I spent most of my savings, I made more memories in that year than in most of my life. I also found I lost friends when I was away. I mean they didn’t get mad at me for leaving, but they just went on with their lives and we haven’t connected sense I have been back. Which is so weird, because I used to talk and see them on a monthly if not more frequent basis. I hate that the most.

I acknowledge that I hold grudges and distance myself from people that hurt me. I finally realized that I need to  try to limit my time with assholes. I’m working at forgiving and realizing not everyone has intentionally  hurt me. I may forgive, but I will not forget what someone has done. Someone once told me the person who came up with I will forgive and forget, was the one that was needing to be forgave.  

Who I think I am is not what others see. In work and in social interactions I seem to have an issue with people thinking I’m intimidating or unlikable. To be honest with everyone I am very self conscious. I second guess everything I say and I always overthink everything. I always think the worst. If someone doesn’t talk to me and I notice… I start to think maybe they think I’m annoying or just don’t like me. Maybe, I did something that made he/she upset. I’m trying to work on being more confident and not worrying so much about what others think of me, but it is a challenge, to me.  

I may act like an old lady. I like to wake up around 6:30 to 7:20 a.m every morning and eat right away.  Around 5/6:00 p.m. my brain doesn’t like to work, and around 10:00 p.m I’m ready for bed. For being single with no kids, I should be a night owl who parties and spends all my money on clothes. That just isn’t me! I love to party, don’t get me wrong, but I’m too responsible and frugal to spend too much money all the time. 

Now, all that being said, I  know I’m not perfect! BUT… I try to be a good person and set goals for myself. I may like to hunt and fish more than a lot of guys now days, but I try to be a lady most of the time. I am O.K with who I am. I don’t steal, cheat, or lie! I have made mistakes in my past and have learned from them. I guess what I’m hoping what you take out of  reading this is I have issues and that is ok. WE ALL DO! If you are doing what makes you happy in life and it doesn’t hurt others, then you are doing your life right! 


One Comment

  • Cherie

    Thank you, I am a horrible speller. I do plan to go through and fix the mistakes. I have been trying to work on my blog as much as possible to just get my content loaded. Thank you for the critic. I do appreciate it and will try to make sure it is better in the future.

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