Bucket List for A Dreamer

Everyone should have hopes and dreams. It is important to make a bucket list. Mine grows all the time. I have some that are at the top of the list and I will work to make them come true. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on your bucket list in a year. It is made for things you want to do in your entire life. 

My Dreams and goals

Bucket List for a Dreamers

… my list grows all the time! 

bed/ tea

One of my biggest dreams is to own my own bed & breakfast; that has wedding and events! One day! One day! 

Marry the Love of my life to give my whole heart to and make a happy wonderful life full of memories.

Blooming Lavender

Swim with Nurse Sharks

Learn to Fly a Plane

Write On Juliet’s Wall in Verona

Go to NYC see The Golden State Bridge, The Statue of Liberty; Be there for New year and visit the best Speakeasies!!! 

Statue of Liberty

Visit all 50 States in the USA

Travel to another country with my best friend

Live near a Beach 

Visit all 7 Continents 

Learn to play guitar

Throw Tomatoes at L Tomatina in Bunol Valencia 

Skydive….. MAYBE!!!! 

Vacation in Igloo Village in Kakslauttanen, Finland

Learn another Language… I’m thinking Swedish or Spanish

Attend the Olympic Games 

Smoke a cigar in Cuba

Go to the Super Bowl  (It would be the best if the 49ers play!)

Drink Beer at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Make my own Wine

Be on Bourbon St, New Orleans for Mardi Gras

Attend the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain (From a Balcony of course!)

Ride a Gondola in Venice, Italy

Visit Stonehenge

Visit Machu Picchu

Travel to the Colosseum in Rome, Italy 

Great Wall of China

Walk The Great Wall of China

Eat at the Undersea Restaurant on the Maldivian Island of Rangalifno

Visit Disneyland (or) Disney World

Go to a Cirque Du Soleil show




 Party at the Rio Carnival

Lantern celebration

I need to go to the Lantern Festival- Pingxi, Taiwan

Celebrate Holi by Hindus for their spring festival

Northern Lights

 Ride a Hot Air Ballon 

Day of the Dead festival, Mexico

 See the Northern Lights

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