Cont… Month In The Philippines

Albin Freediving

Warning: I am still working on this part of the Journal

April 16th

Flight from Moalboal to Coron

We woke up with enough time to pack fast to be ready for our Van to pick us up to take us to the airport. I was so tried and want to see on the van, but there was no way. It started to ran right after we got out of the city. At first it didn’t seem like that much…but then it was flood worthy. The water was to above the knee almost covering the tries. Our driver didn’t seem nervous and drove through it safely. People were pushing their motorcycles  on sidewalks and treading the water. That would be a shitty way to work I thought. We did make it to the airport safely and with plenty of time to make our flight to Coron. The place I was looking forward the whole trip. 


April 17th

first Advanced Class @ East Tangat

We ate breakfast and headed to the dive shop first thing in the morning. We got sized for equipment and jumped on the boat. SO Ready! On the first dive at East Tangat we did some skills and then got to swim around the wreak. 

We took the boat to  Olympia Maru the ship I was most interested in. It was cool and we got to swim inside it a little. As we had extra time Ken our instructor who was so cute found a sandy open spot on the sea floor and tried to teach us all the bubble tricks. I was laughing so much I had to clear my mask a lot! haha! Warning, when you smile water gets in your goggles and well I smile a lot! So I got really good at clearing my goggles. 

Our third dive of the day was at Lusony Gunboat. This was the deep dive of our lesson, which I had already completed with Fun & Sun so I swam around a little while she completed her skills. I didn’t swim far because the visibility was horrible here, but I did see a yellow thorny seahorse. I acted like I was riding a horse. Ken our dive master laughed. I liked it when he laughed he was so small and ball up and bounce his shoulders. We didn’t get to explore as much on this dive, because another diver lost her dive-master so Rebecca and I waiting while Ken helped her. I think it was easy not to lose Ken because he had bright blond tip hair that stuck out like a sore thumb under water. Today was overall a great day back in the water. I will never forget the fun Rebecca, Ken, and I had goofing around. 


When we got back to Sea-dive Resort  we learned another room opened up, so Rebecca and Johan got that one. I think Rebecca was excited she laughed saying I had grabbed her butt the night before and cuddled her. I didn’t remember doing that, but I did warn all of them I am a cuddler. haha! My stomach was starting to bother me again so I didn’t eat a lot for dinner. 

April 18th

Advanced certified/ Taiei Maru

Four of Us Scuba-Diving

The first dive of the day we found a big open sandy area at the floor bottom. Rebecca and I had to do bouncy training and navigation. Rebecca and I had to take turns walking on the floor bottom dragging each other and using the compass. That is pretty much all we got to do on that dive for some reason I was getting low on air faster than usual. 

The second dive of the day was a fun dive on Taiei Maru Ship Wreak. This time we actually got to explore a lot inside of the wreak. It was so cool to see the inside……



April 19th

Day trip turned into a nightmare

We bought a day trip to go to some of the places Coron is known for like Kayangan Lake. The first destinations was Siete Pecados a well known place to snorkel/free-dive with corals and tropical fish. Rebecca stayed on the boat. My tummy was bothering me, but I didn’t want to miss anything so I attempted to free-dive with the boys. I just couldn’t hold my breath so I snorkeled mostly with a lone barracuda swimming around me. I ended up going to the boat feeling pretty tried. The boat then took us to Twin Lagoons. There were lots of boats so we had to swim a decent way to get to the lagoon. I should have sat this one out as well, but I don’t away make the right decisions. I was in a panic feel the whole time as I didn’t feel great and there were a lot of jelly fish which I don’t like and make me nervous. 

April 20th

Slept moved to R2r Bayview Inn

I slept through the morning. When I did wake up I felt better, but still felt like I had been ran over by a bus. I tried to sit up and eat unsuccessfully. My friends woke me up to move to R2R Bayview Inn, for a nicer place to stay. Albin went with me to go to the hospital for my check-up which really wasn’t necessary she just told me to keep taking the meds. Johan was nice enough to carry my bags as we all went to the dive shop paid and then relaxed the rest of the day. 

Now, I do want to take a moment and say I know I bashed on Coron District Hospital, but they didn’t charge me anything and they did try to make me feel better. I wish they had more funding to have a nicer hospital. So I should apologize for being such a baby. 

April 21th

Albin's uneventful Birthday - two down

Johan and Albin went free-diving for Albin’s birthday. I woke up around 1pm, just when the boys got back, feeling much better. The pills must be working to kill that stupid parasite. Thank God! Johan laid down as his tummy was starting to bother him. I needed to move around so Rebecca and I walk around town. There was a place called IslandodSpa Aesthetic Center, I think that is what is called, that did leg wax.  Both Rebecca and I still felt like hairy beast so we thought way not lets try it out. Again, bad idea. I feel asleep while she was waxing me so I didn’t feel as much pain as Rebecca did, but she did wax the wrong direction with the hair, but I wasn’t going to complain I didn’t look hairy anymore. To be honest we got back ate and all laid down the rest of the day. Sorry Albin we couldn’t make your birthday a better one. 

April 22th

Three Down

Around 1am Albin woke up feeling sick. He thought he might have food poisoning. He puked a couple times and finally got some sleep.  The whole day Johan, Albin and I slept and watch movies all recovering. Poor Rebecca was probably board and restless as she was the only one still feeling good. At the end of the day we all felt better and decided we would move to El Nido the next day. 

April 23th

Coran to el Nido

I finally felt myself again, thank you to the pills that are like soldiers fighting in a war again tourist that were attacking my body. I loved Coron for the short experience, but I was ready to leave. 

We took a long boat ride to El Nido. It took about 6 or 8 hours. We laid in the sun and read a book, listened to music, by the time the boat finally arrived I ready to have some fun. My initial reaction to El Nido was that it was super dirty, but cool. We decided to stay at P. Gomez Pension. We walked around that night. They had stands out like a fair in august. Johan and I teased Albin and Rebecca as we were in a great mood.  Neither took it very well haha! 

I was back! 

April 24th

el Nido

Today we planned to just walk around, relax and swim off at the beach. We needed to be 100% before we jumped back into hard core exploring. Plus, I think it is nice to spend a day at the beach. The sand was not the best and the water wasn’t the clearest, but the weather was perfect so who really is being picky. Get ready because we jump back into the water literally. 

April 25th

El Nido- Day Trip

We were ready for our El Nido Tour A: Island Hopping at 9am. We started at Small Lagoon  and then Big Lagoon (generic names, but practical. We free-dived mostly. I’m not as good as the boys, but we were all goofing playing with our fins and and I took lots of videos. The water was so blue and clear. I don’t think I will ever get over how beautiful the Philippines really is. The ocean and sea life is amazing. 

I don’t think we went to secret lagoon, the water was pretty low at one part that a couple of the tour guides had to get out and pull the boat. I do remember we went to Shimizu Island for lunch. Best lunch I have had sense being in this awesome country. We even say a Water Monitor Lizard. After lunch Albin and I went for a swim the water was too good not to. 



The last stop on the tour was 7 Commando Beach, sounds like a nude beach right!? No, the Philippines is a very modest country so keep your clothes on. I so distracted on this beach by a little monkey that was tied up on a chain. I wanted to distract the owners and set him free. Albin, Johan, and Rebecca said they would probably not like it if I did anything to his monkey. haha! I guess that is fair I wouldn’t like it if someone took my dog. We people watched in a pergola most of the time. The beach was packed. 

When I we got back to the main island we all realized we were starving. Let me correct myself Johan and I were hangry. We passed by a Mexican restaurant that looked so good, as I never see it. Everyone agreed, but Albin…. I was down to eat at separate places. Rebecca said we should eat all together. As our trip was almost to an end in a couple days. So we eat off the beach. She was right as much as I still wish we ate Mexican Food haha! 

April 26th

El Nido- Scuba dive with Yellow Snappers

yellow snappers

I was missing scuba diving so Rebecca and I decided to book a trip with Deep Blue Seafari. Our first spot was Helicopter Island. We saw a sea cucumber and I finally saw a sea turtle. I was very happy about that. The second dive was at Twin Rocks Corrals, which was actually pretty cool. Saw a million yellow snappers, trigger fish, and hump head putter fish. I found we were fighting a current the whole time which was making me tried and uncomfortable.  I was over the dive before I got to 70 psi. On the boat both Rebecca and I decided to skip the third dive. I only want to dive if I enjoy it. It was nice relaxing on the boat anyway. We all talked and just enjoyed each others company. When we got back the boys talked about how great their day was and how cheap it was to free-dive. I thought I have really enjoyed free-diving more than scuba diving lately so I decided to book a trip to go the next day. 

April 27th

Free-diving Jelly Fish Everywhere

I was excited to go with the boys because I could finally hold my breath again. The first spot they helped me a little explaining what to improve on with my fin kicks and entry. I found every time I got to a certain depth I had an issue clearing my right ear. It was sure fun trying. I was so jealous how good Johan and Albin were not looking to have any issue equalizing. Before I could figure out my ear we had to get back to the boat. The next spot was shallower which was nice fore me, because I could see the bottom and have a target to try to hit and figure out if I was progressing. I jumped in first I didn’t want to waste any time. I found the corrals to be pretty. We had so much fun! Albin would help push me down. It helped and it was fun. I wish we got a video of the time we came up face to face I bet it looked cool. Johan was trying to fide his fins like snowboard and Albin put his fins on his hands. I found I liked floating upside down video taping. Honestly one of my favorite memories in the water. I wish Rebecca would have came. When we got back to the boat we were all pretty tried and happy. We ate and all took a nap.

When we got to the last dive spot I convinced them to get in, hoping it was like our last dive. I dove in and the first thing I saw was a turtle. I was yelling turtle turtle before my mouth excited the water. Albin dove in and swam towards it. It was swimming away so fast hearing me try to scream under water. We started swimming to the recommended spot. I notice a lot of jelly fish that were almost clear and hard to see swimming all around us. I told the boys and they were nice and showed me how to. push them away with my fins. I did feel better, but still cautious. My mouth guard started to cut my mouth too and I. was feeling tried. I was ready to swim back. The boys now were wanting to dive down a couple more times and we all swam back together. It was a. good last day on the water together. 

When we got back to the big island we meet back up with Rebecca and all went out to dinner. We were all tried, but joked and talked about our travels. How we didn’t want it to. come to an end. I really felt sad they all live in Sweden so they’ll see each other often I thought as I may not see them for years. I really found that I loved each of them. 

April 28th

Moved from El nido to Puerto Princesa Palawan

Albin and I at brewery

In the morning we took the worst van ride to Puerto Princesa Palawan. The driver was making everyone car sick. He would pass cars even if someone was heading our direction in the other lane, there were a couple times I felt it was to close for me. When we got Mangrove Resort I was happy to be alive and out of that van. 

We walked down and ate at Pho, which was really good for dinner and afterward we decided we wanted to check out Palaweño Brewery. I would recommend it for sure! 

Check out their website!  

April 29th

Flight to manila- Albin Flew Home

That morning we all ate breakfast and packed our bags and headed to the airport. Albin had been pretty quiet the last couple days. His mind was already home I think. I already missed him. When we arrived at Mania Johan, Rebecca and I said bye to Albin and took a taxi to The Good Shepard Hostel. I was really starting to fell all our time was coming to an end. I really didn’t want our time to end.   The three of us walked down the street and saw a Mexican Restaurant which made Johan and I excited. YES! We can finally eat food I have been craving. We shared nachos and street tacos. It was good don’t get me wrong I loved it, just it wasn’t like home. I have realized what my favorite things I really enjoy sense I have been traveling. 

We took a taxi to the Robinsons Mall. We walked around the mall  for a long time I was feeling a little stressed about money as I had not made a penny for a while and planned on traveling a lot more. I also couldn’t buy anything because I wasn’t sure if anything else would fit in my suitcase. We decided to watch a movie at the theaters. It only cost like $2 (American!) and decided to watch Guardians of the Galaxy. I loved the move from start to finish. It was so cute and funny. It was actually interesting how much I enjoyed it. Other than the one day we watched movies on my computer when we were sick we didn’t watch tv at all. It was really nice, but I missed a good movie.  We ate at another Mexican Restaurant and went to. It was honestly weird to hav the bed to myself.  

April 30th

Manila Hospital - Running from a stranger

I was starting to feel like my little friend the parasite was coming back and decided to visit the St Luke Hospital. I was a lot cleaner than the last hospital was so I was hopping that they could figure out if I had another parasite fast. Rebecca’s dad knew a girl from Australia that was currently living in Manila that would drive us. Jessica picked us up shortly after. I was so happy and grateful. She even had a nice SUV. She informed that she had moved to the Philippines six years ago and that the first two years she was sick all the time and felt she could handle anything now. The hospital was like the ones we have in the states. It was big and clean and did not feel third world. The staff on the other hand was not the same. They wanted to give me a IV for just in case measures. Also, they insisted that I needed to take a pregnancy test right away. I informed the nurse the only way I was pregnant is if the parasite made little babies. Before I let them consider doing anything I asked how much money it was going to cost. I will tell you it was too much just to taste to see if i was clear or bugs. They just saw an American and wanted to do every test possible to rack up a bill. I was sick of being haggled all the time. It is exhausting! 

We left the hospital with no treatment. Jessica took us out for lunch at Cyma Greek Tavern located around the mall. It was really pricy, but the food was the best. Jessica ended up paying for all of us. She had a heart of gold I tell you. She had to stop at the store to pick up a friend before she dropped us off. My tummy started to bother me again. I was actually getting used to being sick all the time. We got back to the hostel and I took a nap. I woke up and practiced some Sweden on my phone app before Johan’s friends from Sweden joined us. They seemed just as nice. 

We all went out to eat at a El Chupacabra. Once I started eating I felt pretty ill. We were all going to go out and have a drink, but I was suffering so I decided to go back to the room early. In the short walk back to The Good Shepherd Hostel a guy started call after me and falling me. I ran up the stairs into the hostel and shut the door fast. The guy at the counter asked if I was ok. I said, “Now!” and went to my bunk and fell asleep.

May 1st

Last day in the Philippines

I woke up with the feeling sitting up kicking and screaming like a toddle “I DON’T WANT TO GO!”  But I am an adult so I didn’t say anything.  We all got ready and the five of us went to the mall. The two boys shopping more than us girls. I was overwhelmed by the size of the mall. It would take months to explore all the floors and shops.  My legs were so tried from walking around the mall with them I was relieved when they finally decided to head back so we could rest and go out for dinner. 

We went to Bienvenidos for dinner and drank some beers. They were testing out my Swedish skills. They had improved a lot. I mean I could understand more than what I could say, but I was happy that they now had a little hope for me. haha! 


As it was our last night together we went to Heckle & Jackle to have some more drinks and play pool. I was grateful I was feeling better tonight. The bar was a casual biker bar I was used to back home. It was a great night. I had to catch my Uber at 11:30pm so I could make my flight at 1am. Rebecca and (SORRY! I don’t remember his name) carried me while Johan and (again ? name? I’m the worst!) Sang me En Del Av Mitt Hjärta by Thomas Ledin. It was the best goodbye I have ever received. I felt so special. Truly the best humans in the world. We all said our goodbyes and I jumped in the Uber feeling alone and sad to leave them. 

Jag saknar dig allt! 

I will never forget this month in the Philippines with Albin, Rebecca,  and Johan. I want to thank them for their patience with me when I was scared and all the laughs we seared daily. Especially about Rebecca’s heavy luggage and Albin never listening. I never felt more myself then around them. Even when Rebecca would say how ALL Americans… haha!!! I had done so many first this month and found a piece of myself I never knew about. Even though I was sick for a lot of the trip I really only remember the fun memories and all the people I meet. 

Oh and that my Common Wealth Bank charged me a $15 international fee every-time I used the ATM…… WHAT!!!

~Thank You Rebecca, Albin, And Johan!

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